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Not included with a Click-Stand, and fits only a Max Click-Stand. A Fat-Foot helps to keep the foot from sinking into soft soil. Most helpful for loaded touring bikes particularly when camping. Please treat Fat-Feet as expendables, buy more than one if you are leaving on full time while on a long tour. I have reports that everyday use on a loaded touring bike can wear through a Fat-Foot in a month. I put mine on when needed, then take it off. I think it makes my Click-Stand look a little clunky, but you are on your own. I put a little dielectric grease on the inside so you won't struggle to get the Fat-Foot off. If I overdo the grease, and you bike is heavy enough, your Fat-Foot may slip or roll off in use. A Q-Tip and any type of solvent will fix that.
Sometimes, even with a Fat-Foot, you need to find something handy to lean it on.